Everyday Sexism and Gender Stereotypes...
Welcome back to my blogs! These times are especially really hard for all of us, it’s difficult to put up to work but I try. In this blog, I particularly want to discuss two concepts that are both the cause and outcome of gender inequality; Gender stereotypes and sexism. Gender stereotypes are the beliefs people have about the distinct characteristics of males and females which are generally culturally specific and are sometimes hardcore deeply entrenched beliefs. Sexism, on the other hand, is the behavioral component of stereotypes. It means discriminating and having prejudiced behavior towards a person solely based on their sex. More often than not, it is women who face sexism on a day-to-day basis. Stereotypes work when making a judgment about others. For example- “Women are bad drivers” is a very widespread gender stereotype that exists. Thus, in a situation where there is a question of driving capabilities, women are looked down upon and become victims of many derogatory, sexual jo...