Welcome my readers! Hope you’re doing well. This is going to be my last blog in my small attempt at blogging. I have been putting up small blogs on the topic that interests me so much, for which I have immense passion- Gender Equality. In today’s blog, I am going to share with you all what My vision of a gender-equal nation is like. 

I wanted to discuss this vision starting from the minuscule part of a nation- family. The very fact that we as women are brought up differently as compared to men by our caregivers, teachers, relatives, etc., is in itself appalling as it is the breeding ground of gender roles and stereotypes. I would love it if parents, teachers, elders, and family become more cognizant and sensitive towards the upbringing of boys and girls. They should make sure that they don’t assign gender roles to their children, and let them freely express what they want to do with their lives. The freedom of a woman shouldn’t be curtailed based on her being a WOMAN! 

Next, I would so love it if the government makes it compulsory to have sex education classes in all schools starting as early as 5th standard. This will ensure proper knowledge and awareness are passed onto young children who have impressionable minds. Sex education particularly is very important in a country like ours, where we see rapes, sexual harassment, gender-based violence so commonly happening every single second! Imparting quality education would ensure that children know the concept of “consent” and that would for sure reduce cases of gendered violence and aggression. 

Also, in jobs and businesses, my vision is to get more women in the top positions. We talk of women being in abundance in big companies but have we noticed how many make it to the top? It’s mostly men who are in the position of power and standing and I so want to change this trend. I would also want to see more equal representation of women in politics and elsewhere. According to World Economic Forum, at the current pace of change, it will take 100 years to achieve parity in political participation and 217 years for true equality in the workplace. How bizarre is that!  

I want women to have the freedom to move wherever and whenever they want. I want women to be able to step out at night and be safe. I want women to make their own decisions about their body, life, career, marriage, sexuality and take pride in it. I want a better world for us and men. Because when I talk of feminism, I talk of EQUALITY over SUPERIORITY. 

Thank you all for reading my blogs. It’s been great learning for me and I hope I could give you all a perspective towards the theme. 

With Love,

Pragya Nolakha. 


  1. A very subtle and encourageous end. I hope the same that this world becomes a better place for all of us.

  2. Extremely good! This world will definitely become a good place for all of us💝

  3. Well said pragya. Your idea and way of delivery is appreciable.

  4. Very well written! The society needs these ideas!


  6. "Equality over superiority" ! Very well said !

  7. You beautifully penned down your thoughts!

  8. Good content... very well expressed 👏🏻👍🏻


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